Muench and PAX Birdie
Sharee and Birdie began training with us in agility in
2007. They entered their first trials in AKC and CPE this year,
2009. They have been very successful. In addition to many first
place ribbons Sharee and Birdie now have two CPE titles and
their AKC Novice Standard and Open Jumpers titles!
In 2012 Sharee and Birdie were invited
to the Eukanuba Agility Invitationals in Florida! In 2016
they earned their PAX! Congratulations to Sharee and Birdie!
Christine Lamano and Freddie (MACH Christmas' Bohemian
Rhapsady CGC)
Christine entered Freddie in his first agility
trial in Fletcher in May 2011 with no expectations other than to
play with her dog. They only entered FAST for one day and
Freddie slammed it! He was bold, accurate and had a blast. They
have since gone on to ace just about every course that they try.
In June of 2016 Christine and Freddie earned their MACH!
Jim Saxon and PACH Jake (Thornhill's Risky
Jim began agility with us by taking private lessons.
Jake was a very willing student and learned quite quickly. They
advanced through the basics and were performing advanced
techniques in just a few months. After a short time
training, Jim entered a match to see how Jake would do in a
different environment. Jake excelled, so in December of 2011,
they began their agility career. In Novermber 2014 Jim and Jake
competed in the UKI National Agility trial and won the 20"
class! In 2016 Jim and Jake earned their Preferred Agility
Championship! Awesome job!
Toni Moody and Reese (MACH Reese Lightning OAF)
Tony acquired Reese as an older puppy and began
training him in agility almost immediately. Reese was a natural.
He advanced in his training quickly and began trialing in late
2011. In May 2015, Toni and Reese earned their MACH!!
Moody and MACH Jack
After retiring Kaleb, Stephan started the hunt for a
new agility dog. He interviewed many perspective applicants
before accepting Jack into their home. Jack came to live with
Steph and Tony in 2012. His agility training began almost
immediately. Steph wasted no time with this boy! In October 2013
Jack earned his first queue in AKC Novice Jumpers and a first
place to boot! only a year later they earned their
title, MACH! Congratulations! |
Emma Metzger and Will (Ch MACH3 Shoreland Wingmender)
Emma and Will began running together in 2011. Will
was a seasoned agility dog so he was perfect for Emma. He
taught her many things about distance and timing.
In 2015
they earned Will's MACH 3. Emma is the youngest member
of DogHaven to have earned an agility championship title!
Will is now in retirement and enjoying every moment.
Congratulations to this awesome team! |
Julia Hahn and MACH Jersey
(MACH Ambika's No Place Like Home CDX RN JH CCA VCX TDI
Julie and Jersey moved to the carolinas from New Jersey
in 2012 and started training with us soon thereafter. Jersey had
already earned his novice titles, so we began developing his
skills for the challenges that come with Open and Excellent
courses. In 2014 Julie and Jersey earned their MACH! How
awesome! Congratulations!
Julie lost Jersy in August of 2016. We will miss him!
Ken Finch and Joy (MACH PACH Jumpin for Joy OF)
After training with us for about a year,
Ken and Joy entered their first AKC agility trial in
Concord, 2009, and came home with a qualification leg in Novice
Jumpers and Novice Standard and two placement ribbons! 2010
brought more titles with an excellent jumpers title and open
standard and fast titles. 2011- their Masters titles!!
In October 2013 Ken and Joy
earned their MACH!!!!! And November 2015 they have their
PACH!!! Congratulations! |
James and Kristen Davis and MACH Harley OF PD2 PJ3
James and Kristen started training with us
in 2006 and
are competing in USDAA! Harley is being run by both James and
Kristen and is doing very well. Harley is a consistent performer
who is usually in the ribbons every time she runs! In 2010 AKC
began accepting mixed breeds into competition so Harley began
her AKC career. She progressed quickly having to start over in
Novice again. In
March 2013 James and Harley earned
their MACH!! Congratulations!
Katie Flatt and MACH2 Callie
Katie and Callie began training in
2007 with DogHaven and have progressed quite quickly. They
entered the November NADAC trial also and received two first
place ribbons and a second place along with a qualifying run!
Since then Katie ran Callie in an AKC trial and earned her
Novice Standard title, two novice jumpers legs and EIGHT first
place ribbons! In 2012 Callie earned her MACH on November 17th!
Congratulations Katie and Callie in
earning our first DogHaven MACH (2012) and her second MACH in
2014!! Callie is DogHaven's first MACH2 dog!!
Kuklentz and McTavish McGreggor OA OAJ NAF RL2 CW-ZR1A P4p
came to live with MaryLou from Scottie Rescue. He was a
sweetie from the beginning. Mic has excelled in agility,
obedience and therapy work. He is such a joy to work with and
has an awesome future!
Maddie (C-ATCH
3 CS-ATCH Maddie O'Hare CTL-1F CLT1-S CTL2-R
MaryLou has
taken one of the biggest challenges in running a terrier in
agility! They started training with us in 2005 and as of 2013
they have earned their AKC Excellent titles and a
Championship in CPE! This championship requires 120
queues in several classes. Congratulations Maddie and Marylou!!!
Laura Morefield and Carly OA OAJ
In 2011 Laura wasn't looking for another dog. We, Karl
and I, had a couple stop into one of our agility classes
inquiring about training for the out of control cattle dog that
they had just gotten from a shelter. We talked with them and in
about a week they gave us a call. They wanted to know if we
could find this girl a home. Immediately we thought of Laura.
Laura has had experience with Cattle Dogs and currently didn't
have an agility dog. She was a perfect home for this girl. After
a little convincing, Laura decided to take her. Carly was a
project. She had many habits and learned behaviors that Laura
had to address. With much patience and love, Laura and Carly
worked through each one. Carly is a very driven girl with a big
attitude, perfect for agility. So they began training. In fall
of 2014 Laura and Carly entered their first real trial together
and did great. Carly runs at the speed of light. Don't blink,
you will miss her. They will be a team that is hard to
beat. Good luck girls! We will be following your progress!
Margaret Wilson and Cooper OA OAJ
Margaret found Cooper wandering near her house. He had
no family and was alone. Margaret took him in and intended to
find him a home. Little did she know that he was home!
Soon thereafter they began coming to agility classes. In 2014,
they entered their first trial and Cooper did very well. In
February 2015 they earned their novice titles in standard and
jumpers! Congratulations!
Liza Short and Gypsy NA NAJ
In 2013 Liza's son aquired a Border Collie that had
been found wandering on the
streets. As mothers do, Liza began to keep
Gypsy on occasion to help her son with her care. Liza saw
Gypsy's attentiveness and drive to work, so in
the fall of 2013 Liza thought she would try her in agility.
Gypsy really liked agility and enjoyed her time with Liza
training at home. They progressed as a team and in 2014 entered
a few matches and then their first trial in the fall. They did
very well! Gypsy, the cinderella girl, is now in her
forever home with Liza and will be making apperances at the
local trials in 2015!
Alison Caverly and Oliver NA NAJ
Alison and Oliver began training in agility just for
fun. Oliver really seemed to like it, so Alison decided to keep
training in hopes of competing one day. Alison had competed in
the horse world so was very familiar with shows and trialing.
After a little over a year, Alison entered a match to see how
Oliver would do. He did great. He was focused and responded to
her direction. Soo, the next step was to enter a trial. They
qualifed in their first run and have contiued to have great
success. Alison and Oliver are now competing at the AKC Open
level. Unfortunately for us, Alison and Oliver are moving to
Raleigh soon. We will miss them both and wish them success in
the future.
June Evans and North (Clanshaw True North OA OAJ OAP OJP OFP)
June's newest boy, North, has been a dream come true.
This boy wants to run! They began training when North was 6
months old and took it slow. As he matured, June entered him in
matches and then in AKC Fast. North queued every time out! He
now has his Novice Fast title and has placed in every run! North
is confident and fast and will be a lot of fun. June has a great
boy. Congratulations! |
Lamano and Bella (Christmas' Annabella Rose NAP NAJ NF RN CGC)
Christine and Bella have tried a few sports including agility,
herding and tri-ball. Bella started agility a few years ago and
earned two queues in AKC Jumpers with Weaves and then they took
a break. In March of 2013, Christine thought she would run Bella
again at the Charlotte trials. Bella queued! This third leg
completed her novice title in Jumpers. Congratulations! Now for
Standard! |

Piper Novick with Scout NAJ and Happy AX AXJ
Piper is a very determined young lady. She decided that
she wanted to do agility with her dogs Happy and Scout so she
had her dad build agility equipment and she started to train
them in her backyard. In 2011 Piper decided to give DogHaven a
call to set up some private training. We worked with both Happy
and Scout to polish their training. In 2012 Piper entered both
dogs in a few ACK trials and has queued with both dogs! Scout
has his Novice Jumpers title and Happy has his Open standard
and Open jumpers titles! Congratulations to Piper and her
Kim Nordin and Nala (RAE
Ludwick's Bianca Von Drea NAP NJP UAG1)
Kim and Nala started training in agility in 2010.
They worked hard and it paid off. In December 2012 they entered
their first AKC trial and qualified in Standard earning a second
place ribbon! This is just the beginning for Kim and Nala. I am
sure we will see more from both of them. Congratulations!
Lynn Mitro and Kona OA OAJ MXP MJP OF
Lynn acquired Kona from German Shorthair Rescue two
years ago. She was very underweight and so stressed that she
could not be still. Lynn took her time working with Kona on
obedience and then later agility. Kona was a crazy girl on the
agility field. She could lap the field faster than any dog I had
ever seen. Still, Lynn stuck with it and helped Kona settle and
learn to trust her. Kona and Lynn are now trialing in AKC, CPE
and NADAC. They have earned legs toward titles in all
three venues and a title in AKC Novice Fast. Congratulations
Lynn and Kona!
Lynn Mitro and Clem
(CH RAE Eagle River Oh My Darling "Clementine" BN CD CGC JH
Lynn and Clem are a very busy team. As you can see by
her titles, she is a very accomplished girl. To Clem, agility
means speed, speed and more speed. She is very fast and really
loves jumpers. She got her AKC Excellent Jumpers title very
quickly and is well on her way to her Masters title. Standard is
not her thing. It is way too slow. There is no reason to stop,
is there? Congratulations to both of you on all of your
accomplishments. We can't wait to see what you will do next! |

Gail Ford and Reese Evan OA OAJ
Gail has wanted an agility dog for as long as I can
remember. After giving a few select dogs a chance to join her in
this sport, Reese Evan stepped up and took the challenge. Reese
loves to run and jump. He has only been in a couple of trials
and already earned his AKC Novice Jumpers title! In Concord, he
queued 3 out of 4 runs with two firsts and one second! Gail and
Reese are off to a great start. Congratulations! |
Clair Welbourne,
MacDougal the Red TBAD, TG1, TIAD, TG2, TSAD, TG3
Stinkypants CGC, TBAD,
Clair moved to NC in 2009 and began training with us soon
thereafter. They moved here from an area where TDAA (Teacup
Agility) is very popular, so she and her Boston boys began
competing there. Teacup is for dogs 16" and under and the
courses are smaller making challenges harder for the little
guys. Dougal and Padraig have earned many titles and are earned
their championship in 2014. Congratulations and good luck to
both boys!
.JPG) .JPG) |
Ken Finch and Blaze NAJ NA
Blaze came to Ken and Rosemary as a friend for Joy,
their female sheltie. Blaze as his name indicates was full of
energy and speed, perfect for agility. So Ken had his second
agility dog! They began training in 2010, and Blaze caught
on quickly. Ken entered Blaze in an AKC FAST class in May of
2011 and he did great! In March 2013, Blaze got his first
Jumpers queue! Congratulations!
James and Kristen Davis and Slo Mo MX MXJ
James and Kristen decided to add a second dog in 2009,
Slo Mo! They began training him for agility right away and
he loved it! Mo is now trialing in USDAA and AKC and earning
placements and qualifications! Good luck Mo!
Carol Herrington and Sasha MX MXJ
Carol and Sasha began agility training with us in 2008
as an activity for Sasha. They were just having fun in our
weekly classes until one week it all clicked for Sasha. She
began to participate with vigor and attack the obstacles with
speed and enthusiasm. So Carol began thinking about competing
with Sasha. In the fall of 2010 Carol and Sasha entered their
first agility trial. Sasha queued and came home with first place
ribbons! She now has her Novice Standard title and two legs
toward her Novice Jumpers title! Congratulations! |
Emma Metzger and Molly MXJ MX NF
Emma is the youngest DogHaven student to compete in the
agility ring! She and Molly have done a great job! They both
have a great time and Emma is always positive and encouraging
with Molly. Together they have earned their Open
Jumpers title and Standard titles! Congratulations! |
Grattan Foy and Luna OAP OJP
Grattan and Luna entered their first AKC agility trial
in Fletcher this month, 6/2009, and had two glorious runs. With
perfect performances, they bought home two blue ribbons!
Congratulations to both Grattan and Luna! |
Stephan Moody and Kaleb AX AXJ NF
Stephan and Kaleb started agility to help build Kaleb's
confidence around people and other dogs. As Kaleb's confidence
grew, so did his skills in agility. He began to love jumping and
running with Stephan. So, earlier this year, 2010, Stephan and
Kaleb entered their first match and did so well that they
entered the next AKC trial that opened. They queued in one run
after another. As of September, they have earned their Novice
and Open titles in standard and jumpers with weaves!
In December 2012, Kaleb was retired due to injuries. In 2014
Steph lost Kaleb due to an airway issue. He will be missed.
Dolcie Peak and Rika AXP AJP
Dolcie first began training with DogHaven in 2005 with
her Boxer, Kira. Dolcie really loved agility, but Kira was not
as thrilled. In 2009, Dolcie sadly lost Kira to cancer. Two
weeks later she found a dog wandering on the highway that looked
so much like Kira that Dolcie felt that Kira had sent him to her
to ease her pain. Thus she named him Rika, Kira rearranged. A
little later Dolcie tried agility with Rika, and amazingly he
loved it! After about a year of training, they entered their
first agility trial and Rika excelled. So far they have earned
their Open titles in both Preferred Jumpers and Standard! Congratulations to both of you! Kira approves!
Rika was injured in 2014 and had to be retired from agility. Be
well. We miss you.
Laura Morefield and Cassius (Cassius
Floats Like a Butterfly RN OAP OJP)
Laura's newest little boy began competing early in
2010. He loves agility and his mom, and is extremely willing to
please. In his short career thus far Cash has earned his AKC
preferred novice standard and jumpers titles! I am sure we will
see more of this boy.
. |
Valerie Aldred and ARCHX Mozart OFP OAP OJP CL4H
Val and Mo have been training with DogHaven since 2004
in obedience and agility and they have become quite the team!
Mozart has proven to be a great rally dog, earning many titles.
Recently they have been trying their hand at agility, competing
in local NADAC, CPE and AKC trials and have been in the ribbons!
In only two trials they earned their AKC Novice Fast and
Standard titles! Congratulations to Val and Mo and good luck in future trials!
Valerie Aldred and Piper
Val found Piper at a rescue in Myrtle Beach. In 3014,
Piper began agility training and competed a few times in rally.
She has also tried a little barn hunting. Good luck to Val and
Piper in their many future adventures! |
Susette Aquino and Marea (ADCH Manafi's
Miracle of Life
Susette and her two dogs, Marea and
Mochie moved to North Carolina from New York this year
and began training with DogHaven right away. Marea is an
accomplished agility dog in USDAA earning quite a few titles and
has now started in AKC agility. Since joining us Susette and
Marea have earned their Novice and Open titles in both Standard
and Jumpers and are now working at the Excellent level. Susette
is also handling one of our Dobermans, Roxie, and together they
have earned her
Open Jumpers title and two legs in Standard, leaving only one
more leg to have her Open Standard title! Thank you Susette!
We are sad to say goodbye to Susette, Marea, Mochi, and Archie.
They are moving to Michigan in June of 2010. We will really miss
Susette Aquino and Mochi
Mochi is Susette's second dog to compete. He started
his career in USDAA and will be trying some AKC soon. He began
with us about a year ago and is turning out to be a very
competitive agility dog!
Donna Guyton and Jester (Touchstone's surely You Jest OA AXJ AXP
Jester came to Donna a ready made agility dog with
titles and ribbons, so now Donna has to catch up! They have been
training together for about a year now and are becoming a great
team. Donna entered Jester in an AKC trial in July 2008, and
experienced her first rush of agility trialing. She is hooked!
Good luck to both Donna and Jester in the future!
Slavick and Sylvia AX AXJ
Carol and Sylvia joined DogHaven after moving to NC from
Minnesota. They have been perfecting their running style and
have become quite a good team. Sylvia entered her first trial in
2012 and has been queuing at every trial. They have now earned
their excellent titles Congratulations!
Carol and Sylvia moved to Virginia to be with family. We will
miss you both. |
Leslie Sprick and Gracie OAJ NA
Leslie and Gracie started with DogHaven in our Beginner
Obedience class. Gracie was very shy of both people and dogs, so
Leslie was hoping that obedience may help. Gracie improved so
much that we thought that Agility may give her more confidence
and build their relationship. Gracie loved agility. She became
outgoing, confident and quite fast on the courses. So, Leslie
thought she may try to give Gracie one more experience, an
agility trial. They entered a local AKC trial in March of 2012
just for fun and ended up with a first place ribbon!!!
Since then Gracie earned her Open Jumpers title! Congratulations to the team!
  ![]() ![]()  |
Laura Morefield and Ditto (
Razor's Mini-Me Ditto AXP AJP)
Laura, Dwayne and Ditto have been training for
this big event for a year now! Laura and Ditto entered the 2008
Concord AKC agility trial and came home with two first place
ribbons!!! Since then they have gone on to earn their novice and
open level titles! They are an awesome team and will do well in
everything they do. Congratulations!!
In 2010, Laura retired Ditto at 10 years old. His
arthritis began to take the fun out of the run. We will miss
seeing the two of them in the ring.
Darius Holloway, Bob Young and Kaz (Ch Simcha's Kazmisha
Darius, Bob and Kaz began training with us in 2008. Kaz
has a wonderful attitude on life and expresses it boldly
every time he runs. In January 2009, Darius and Kaz earned their
AKC novice jumpers title with a first place ribbon! Since then
they moved Kaz to preferred and earned their novice preferred
jumpers title and two legs toward their novice preferred
standard title! We are very
proud of the progress that they have made. Congratulations!!
Bob and Darius lost Kaz Christmas morning, 2011. We will always
remember Kaz and the joy that he brought all of us.
Evans and Chase (Misty Mt. Chase the Clouds RN OAP OJP)
June and Chase starting agility training with us in
2007 and rapidly progressed in skill levels. They entered their
first AKC agility trial in October 2008 and earned a first place
ribbon in JWW! June retired Chase in the spring of 2013.
She is on to her herding career! Congratulations to both of you!
Elizabeth Zembry and
Guyo (Shoreland's Gallo De Los Zembry's NF NJP NFP)
In 2009 Elizabeth chose Guyo to be the next member of her
agility family, joining the Aussies Paisley and Penny. Guyo
loved agility and began showing promise almost immediately. When
Guyo was 18 months old, Elizabeth decided to enter their first
trial to see how Guyo would do. He did great! Together
they have two first place ribbons in Novice Fast! Elizabeth is
going to have many years of agility fun with Guyo!
Congratulations and good luck in your future runs!
Becky Bichlmier and Riley MX MXJ
Becky and Riley began training with us in 2009 soon
after moving to North Carolina. Riley was a very consistent dog
who was exceedingly responsive to Becky which made them a very
competitive team. Sadly, Becky lost Riley to cancer in January
of 2011. We are very sorry for her loss of this great agility
Jaclyn Doody and Storm OA OAJ NF
Jacyn moved to North Carolina with her parents in
2009 and began training with us soon thereafter. Jaclyn and
Storm had some previous training so it didn't take long for them
to begin competing. After a fun match last fall, they decided to
enter their first AKC trial. Only two trials later they
have earned their Novice Jumpers, Novice Standard and Novice
Fast titles!Congratulations to a great team!
Jaclyn has gone off to college so Storm is retired as of 2012. |
C J Heald and Sasha
CJ and Sasha began training with DogHaven in 2009. Sasha is a
fast little girl that is as agile as a deer. They began trialing
in NADAC and in October of 2010 and qualified, bringing home
placement ribbons as well! Congratulations! CJ lost Sasha
at only 5 years old to a mass on her liver. We will always
remember that sweet girl.
Jean and Abby (Sacred Hearts of Heinerburg HT NAP NJP
Jean and Abbey started trialing in 2006 and earned their
novice titles almost immediately! Abbey is a very honest dog and
always wants to please. They have a great future ahead of them!
Craig Kuhstoss and Bailey (Bailey
Craig and Bailey started training in agility with us in 2005.
Because of their incredible ability to work as a team, they
advanced quickly as they gained knowledge and skills. They have
successfully competed in NADAC, USDAA, and AKC earning their
Performance I Standard title, Novice Standard and Novice Jumpers
titles along with several first place
ribbons. They are still actively competing in these venues
and have a great future ahead of them.
Jan Frick and Traveler (Kachina's Time Traveler
AX OAJ) Jan and Traveler
have been with us since 2005. They are having the time of their
lives in the ring. Traveler wants to please and has a great time
doing it. Jan and Traveler earned their AKC Novice Standard and
Jumpers titles this year (2007) and have moved on to the AKC
Open level.
They are also competing in NADAC trials.
Due to injury,
Jan had to retire Travie from agility in 2009. She is now
training Travie's sister Daisy for agility. We hope to see her
in the ring soon.
Elizabeth Zembry and Paisley (Zembry's
Red Paisley RAE AX OAJ AXP AJP) Paisley and
Elizabeth have been training with us since 2004. They earned
their AKC Open level titles in 2007 and have recently been
competing at the Excellent level. Due to a great job
opportunity, Elizabeth and her two dogs, Paisley and Penny, will
be moving to South Carolina in February 2008. We wish them the
best of luck and hope to see them at the trials!
Elizabeth Zembry and Penny (Zembry's Pretty Penny RE NA NAJ)
Penny was found wandering in South Carolina. She was looking for
a family that would lover her and welcome her to their home.
When Elizabeth went to see her, there was no question. Penny
went home with Elizabeth. Since that time, Penny began working
in Rally and Agility and entered her first agility trial in
January of 2009 where she earned legs toward her novice standard
and jumpers titles and even placed in the ribbons!
Congratulations Penny and Elizabeth!

Jean Tuttle and Deacon (PAM Jericho's Braveheart
HT OAP AJP NA NAJ) Jean and Deacon started training for agility in 2004. They
have earned their AKC novice and open titles in a very short
time. Deacon did very well at the German Shepherd Nationals in
2006 earning many first place ribbons and trophies. In 2008
Deacon has earned two legs toward his Excellent Jumper's title
and has placed first in both runs! Jean and Deacon
are also pursuing a
herding career. Jean lost Deacon in 2012. He will be missed
Christine Lamano and Jack (Christmas Gallant Jack
Jack is a fireball on wheels, and it takes everything that
Christine has to keep him pointed in the right direction.
Christine and Jack have been training with us in agility since
2006 and they just started competing in both NADAC and AKC
trials. In the 2008 Concord trial Jack and Christine earned two
jumpers legs and a first and second place ribbon! Since then
they have earned both of their novice titles and are working in
Open! They will be a team to
watch! Congratulations!